Saturday, March 27, 2010

Welcome to Youthsays Iligan chapter!

Welcome! By visiting this site, you will learn more about Iligan city.

You are welcome to join and help this site to grow. This is ours Iliganon bloggers!. Let's help each other.

Who is your candidate?

The national election is soon to come. As registered youth voter, do you have your president now? Vote is sacred. No body should take our right to choose our candidate to be voted, not the church leaders, not even the enticing glitters of money. Human is a rational animal. Don't be persuade to the promising words of politicians. Nobody should dictate us, except for those who are no-read,no-write people, like out native brothers in highlanders who have not given the opportunities to get an education. We can think of our own. We can reason out why we will vote these politicians, and why we don't vote them.

Also,the church must not dictate us; they are there to guide us but not take out our right to choose who we believe the righteous one. The infomercials and even surveys. These are not good reason to base our vote on these stuff. These would only lead us to cliff wherein the journey of our country directs towards it to fall.

Finally, you should think twice before you vote. I will reiterate,"Our vote is sacred" choose a leader that  you think can give hope to all of us. Let's be united. Let's be vigilant for this coming national election.

My challenge to you is; who is your president? Will you choose those politicians that are spending billions of money? can you refuse the money that is being offered to you?If no, will you still vote the candidate who gives you a money?

What can you say about the routine brownouts?

I heard the news that the reason why there's routine brownout is because of the El Niño. It sounds reasonable though, it really happens when there's El Niño. But I am just wondering, way back 1997 when there was El Niño, most of the regions really suffering it; all plants gone and wasted. It lasted for two or three month but there's no routine brownout, especially here in Mindanao. It makes me think; what's really the real score behind this routine brownout.

In my opinion, it has somewhat painted with political colors. We all know that this coming election; we're going to use with electric powered election machines. Common sense tells you that if there's no power, obviously it isn't gonna work. If you will say, "ah! that's gross! Our government can buy generators to all regions just to make sure to sustain power when there's a power failure." How sure you are that our govern can supply it? Are  you sure there's a budget for that? Don't you know; if it will happen, in my opinion, we will go back again to manual counting. If it's manual counting, there's possibility to recur the "Dagdag-bawas" When it happens, then expect the horrible results of our national election. I hope and pray that it will not happen.

When it happens, that's the time that the role of youth in society will be played. We must be vigilant for possible cheating of some corrupt politicians. 

This is my opinion. How about your opinion of routine brownouts? Be heard join now and post your blog here.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Common scene in Iligan city

These are the common place that can be found in Iligan city.

                                   This is the old Gaisano

                        Ang pasalubong ng bayan Cheding's peanut.

The new Gaisano city.

This picture was taken during the Sr. San Miguel Fiesta.